But then there's some who get up each day with one purpose in mind: To Make a Difference.

Horses and the Handicapped in South Florida is one such place. They are a non-profit organization founded in 1982 and located in Tradewinds Park of Coconut Creek. 'Providing effective therapeutic horseback riding and other equine-assisted activities for children and adults with physical, cognitive, and emotional difficulties', H&H makes a difference every morning they open the barn door.
Primarily because we love horses, but also because we love to find people who are making a difference, we visited the Horses and the Handicapped stables last weekend. 'Their riding facilities have been designed with the program's participants in mind, seeking to provide a safe and recognizable setting which fosters a greater level of comfort and familiarity for their handicapped riders'. We watched as a sweetheart with Downs Syndrome had a private lesson and squealed with delight when she was able to balance on the horse with both arms floating at her side. Then there was a gentleman who worked on his posture riding atop their beautiful mare Hallory and his grin was unmistakeable.
As we toured the stable, a letter tacked on the bulletin board caught our eye. One program participant described how she was never able to participate in sports because she was dependant on walkers and crutches for mobility. When she discovered Horses and the Handicapped, she discovered independance, and credits H & H for changing her life. Were we grateful? Oh yeah. Blessed by reading her letter? You bet. So much so that we signed up to voluneer next Saturday. See? We're jumping on the "Making a Difference" wagon!
And so today we salute those who don't take the day to day grind for granted, but make the effort to change lives. Whether you're working the phones, nailing down a roof, cleaning a toilet or sitting in the board room, join us in the quest to make a difference in everything you do.